These are our goals for each and every step on your path to dancing tango:
Beginner level
- Naturalization of the embrace.
- Knowledge of the social cues of the dance to be able to go to a milonga.
- The ability to move on the dance floor.
- The ability to propose simple movements.
- The ability to respond and propose.
- Incorporation of silences in movement.
- Recognition of the different genres of tango: milonga, tango, waltz.
- Recognition of beats and offbeats.
Intermediate level
- Incorporation of technique exercises to achieve balance and dissociation.
- The ability to express an uncomfortable position through technique.
- Recognition of different orchestras.
- A heightened ability to listen.
Advanced level
- Creation of sequences.
- The ability to change directions and the transience of a sequence.
- The ability to self-critique and critique the group.
- The ability to create aesthetic discourse through movement.
- The ability to enjoy simplicity, working without anxiety, going back to the roots of basic movements as a mature approach to dancing.